CEC是世界工控媒體品牌Control Engineering旗下六,十年來通過先進的技術(shù)展示與全面的市場交流,打開了中國工程師展示自我、了解世界的一扇大門。CEC年度產(chǎn)品獎是業(yè)界獎項,本次評選涉及86個國內(nèi)外供應(yīng)商148項產(chǎn)品,歷時3個月,受到業(yè)內(nèi)眾多企業(yè)的廣泛認可與*。
E+H電磁流量計Electromagnetic flow measurement has been in use around the world for 50 years and more, as witnessed by the popularity of these meters that continues unabated in virtually all sectors of industry.
Electromagnetic flowmeters can be used to measure all electrically conductive liquids (> 5 μS/cm) with or without solids, e.g. water, wastewater, sludge, slurries, pastes, acids, alkalis, juices, fruit pulp, etc.
In the industrial environment, sectors that utilize this measuring principle include: water/wastewater, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, foodstuffs, etc. Electromagnetic flowmeters are even robust enough to be used in mining.